Tonal Chaos (formerly The Sachimes) was formed in 2017 and has seen many accomplishments, and a few setbacks, since its onset. In 2019, their four-song set, with a theme of “Love and Acceptance,” created for the International Championship of High School A Cappella (ICHSA), brought them a first place win for the quarter-finals and awards for “Outstanding Choreography” and “Outstanding Vocal Percussion'' in the semi-finals.
Over the last two years, while still actively working on music and competing, the team faced much adversity due to the Covid pandemic and multiple changes in group members and leadership, but 2022 has seen the group become reinvigorated and hopeful for much future success. Tonal Chaos competed in ICHSA again this year, with a theme of “Breaking Societal Boundaries,” and have issued the following statement about their musical set:
“Society has placed boundaries on all of us. We have each felt the sting of being placed in the margins, and of being held inside a box with invisible barriers that are a thousand miles high. Our songs, our set, our message, is that we can own who we are, even if it means accepting that society sees us through a narrow lens. It might even work to our benefit, because when we stand up, when we smash those make-believe barricades, when our battle cry is heard…they’ll never see it coming.”